Andrea Domizio, center, was crowned Pike County Junior Miss Saturday night at the Adams Center Theater on the campus of Troy State University. Meredith May (left) was second runner up and Laurne Stone

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 2, 1999

Andrea Domizio crowned

Pike County Junior Miss


Features Editor

Published Nov. 2, 1999

Andrea Domizio stood before a packed Adams Center Theater Saturday night and told the audience she wants to be a distinctive individual who stands for what she believes in and makes a difference in her community and in the lives of others.

"I want to make a difference as your Pike County Junior Miss 2000," Andrea said.

Her wish came true.

Andrea was crowned Pike County Junior Miss 2000 and she will now be the county’s most distinctive young miss and will have many opportunities to make a difference in her community and in the lives of others, especially those who will look up to her and use her as a role model for their lives.

Andrea, who is a senior at Charles Henderson High School, said she realizes with the title, comes a lot of responsibility. But she welcomes that responsibility and all of the other opportunities and challenges that come with it.

"We were asked to define essence and, to me, essence is the distinctive quality of something which makes it different from all others," Andrea said. "Every day we make decisions for ourselves and these decisions, right or wrong, create the individuals that we are."

For Andrea, making the right decisions is very important.

She has been a varsity cheerleader for CHHS for three years and is a member of the 1998 Charles Henderson High School National Championship cheerleading squad. As a cheerleader, Andrea has been in a visible role and she knows others are watching.

"But I’m not always looking over my shoulder to see if someone is watching me," she said. "If I were looking over my shoulder, that would mean I was doing something wrong. I try to live my life in a way that will demonstrate my faith and my strength as a person. I try to always do what I think and know is the right thing."

Doing right for Andrea means being right in the middle of the positive activities at her school and in her community.

"I believe you need to be involved," she said. "I enjoy being busy and staying busy. I can always find something to do."

Finding something to do includes being a member of school organizations such as Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), the Student Government Association, Interact, Mu Alpha Theta, the National Honor Society, Hi-Y Government Club, Teen Advisors, Key Club and the Twenty-One Social and Service Club.

When she has some "free" time, Andrea enjoys writing poetry and reading a good book.

Now, she is faced with finding "extra" time to service Pike County as its Junior Miss but that won’t be a problem. Andrea intends to make her reign a top priority.

"I am so excited to be Pike County Junior Miss," she said. "I am looking forward to being a part of all of the many wonderful events and activities we have here and in promoting our county as the best one in the state," she said. "I will serve to the best of my ability and hope to serve in a way that will be distinctive and a way that will make everyone proud of their Junior Miss."

Andrea will represent Pike County in the state Junior Miss Program Jan. 14 -23 in Montgomery.