Deadline looms for

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 29, 1999

license renewal


Staff Writer

Oct. 28, 1999, 11 PM

The Pike County Probate Office reminds businesses and individuals that October is the month for business licenses to be renewed.

Also, businesses who receive or transport scrap tires need to purchase the appropriate scrap tire handlers’ license by the close of business Nov. 1, said William G. "Bill" Stone, probate judge for Pike County.

So far, 438 licenses out of 900 business here have been purchased, said Probate Court Clerk Donna Fannin. Business have until Nov. 2 to buy their business licenses.

A new law requires scrap tire handlers to obtain an annual license, in addition to any licenses currently held, and maintain records regarding the receipt and disposal of scrap tires within Alabama, Stone said.

"Businesses have the responsibility to renew their own licenses," he said.

License applicants are allowed an additional business day to purchase their licenses as the deadline, Oct. 31, falls on a Sunday.

After Nov. 1, anyone purchasing a license will be subject to a delinquent $500 penalty. The license is issued at the county level by the probate judge.

The scrap tire handlers’ license law is a new licensing requirement which became effective Oct. 1, 1999, and includes a variety of business operations such as retail tire dealerships, service stations, garages, scrap tire collection facilities, landfills which accept scrap tires, tire recycling facilities, fleet vehicle operators/fleet tire receivers, and anyone involved in the business of transporting scrap tires for delivery to a collection or landfill facility.

In addition to licensing requirements, certain scrap tire handlers are required to meet bonding requirements. Proof of the $10,000 bond is required when applying for the license, Stone said.

Licensing fees are as follows, according to State Revenue Commissioner James P. Hayes Jr.:

-$37.50 per year for scrap tire receivers and collection facilities

-$37.50 per year for scrap tire trans porters, and $15 per additional transport vehicle

-$375 per year for fleet tire receivers

Violations of Act 99-597 carry significant fines. There is a $300 minimum fine per violation, a $500 penalty per violation for failure to obtain a license, and a $500 penalty per violation for failure to properly display a scrap tire license decal on a vehicle used to transport them.

For more information on the scrap tire handlers’ licensing law, contact the Alabama Department of Revenue’s Severance and License Tax Section at (334) 353-7827. To learn more about bonding requirements, call 566-1246.