Peanut Butter meets

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 24, 1999

the Big Apple


Features Editor

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Published Oct. 24, 1999

The Yanks are coming! The Yanks are coming! And scores of Southern cooks are making a beeline to the kitchen to stir up a batter that will send the bluecoats home singing Dixie.

The Peanut Butter Recipe Contest has always been a main attraction for the annual Peanut Butter Festival in Brundidge but little did anyone know it was attracting attention north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

However, Jeff Gooden, star of the popular television Food Network show "Extreme Cuisine,"of New York took notice and he will be sending a production crew to Brundidge on Saturday to film the Festival and showcase the peanut butter recipes and cooks who make it happen.

Randy Ross, Festival entertainment chairman, said Gooden contacted him last spring to inquire about the Peanut Butter Festival and the recipe contest.

"He sounded interested but he didn’t commit to coming," Ross said. "But last week, he called back for more information and on Thursday, he called to say he was sending a production crew to the Festival."

Gooden told Ross he is always looking for unusual events and the Peanut Butter Festival is "unusual."

"He said peanut butter is such a staple and it’s found in almost every home in America,

Ross said. "Peanut butter can be used in so many different ways that he thought it would be fun to show American just how many ways."

A downhome festival that honors the popular foodstuff seem right up Gooden’s alley, Ross said.

"He said the Peanut Butter Festival has just what he’s looking for – a small town with a big spirit and a fun festival."

Ross said the Brundidge Historical Society is issuing a call to all area cooks to get out their pots and pans, put on their aprons and their thinking caps and show those Yankees what Southern girls can do with peanut butter.

"This is an opportunity to get on national television with your recipe and it’s great exposure for Brundidge, Pike County and southeast Alabama. So we’re calling on all cooks to but their best dishes forward and the more extreme, the better."

Prizes will be awarded for the winning recipes, including grocery gift certificates and Sister Schubert Rolls.

The historical society has brochures and pamphlets available with dozens of peanut butter recipes. They are available at Gingerbread Hall in Brundidge, Colonial Bank in Brundidge and Troy, the Pike County Extension Service and the Troy Messenger.

Entries should be brought to the Bass House between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Saturday, along with a copy of the recipe.