Sheriff’s Dept. arrests

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 22, 1999

burglary suspect


Staff Writer

Published Oct. 22, 1999

Members of the Pike County Sheriff’s Department arrested a man Thursday who is a suspect in several area burglaries.

William David Picardy, 39, of Route 1, Box 184-A, Troy, is charged with two counts of third-degree burglary, said Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas. At press time, Picardy was being held in the Pike County Jail on $10,000 bond.

He is charged with two burglaries on Route 1 in Troy, Thomas said. The first incident occurred Oct. 7.

"The victim returned home at about 5 p.m. and discovered someone had entered through the back door," Thomas said. "Several bottles of prescription medication were missing."

The second incident occurred on Oct. 18.

"Entry was gained through a back door which was pried open," he said. "One bottle of prescription medication and $42 cash was allegedly taken."

Additional charges of similar burglaries in the county may be brought against Picardy, Thomas said. He has also been charged with one count of burglary in Crenshaw County. The sheriff said he appreciates the work of the Crenshaw County Sheriff’s Department, which assisted in this investigation.

Picardy had recently moved to Pike County after being paroled from a penitentiary in Mobile County, Thomas said.