Saturday 5K event benefits

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 23, 1999

youth program


Features Editor

Published Sept. 23, 1999

Temperatures have cooled enough to help shake the summer slugs so it’s time to get out and kick up your heels for a good cause.

The Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Pike County will host their first Fall 5K Run/Walk Saturday. The starting gun will sound promptly at 8 a.m. from the square in downtown Troy. The route will weave its 3.1 mile path through the town’s historic area and back to the finish line on the square.

Sally Green, event organizer, said about 50 runners and walkers have registered and there is room for many more.

Registration will begin at 6:30 on the square and continue until a few minutes from race time. Registration is $15 and will include a run tee shirt and the opportunity to take home some victory hardware.

The run/walk has been divided into four age divisions, 0- 12, 13-21, 22-40 and over 40. Awards will be presented to a male and female winner in each age division and also to the fastest male and female finishers. Plaques will be presented to the college sororities and fraternities and high school groups with the most participation.

The local BBBS program is a satellite program of the Montgomery Family guidance Center and started in Pike County more than a year ago.

For more than 90 years, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America has been America’s preeminent national youth-serving organization. Its service is based on a one-to-one relationship between an adult volunteer and a child at risk.

Volunteers serve as friends, mentors and role models, helping children gain greater self-confidence and to realize their potential and see themselves as having happy and successful futures.

"At the present time, the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program is only available to kids involved with the Troy Housing Authority," Green said. "We want to expand the program to include the whole county and the run was planned to raise awareness of the program and funds for the purpose of expanding it.

"We want to invite everyone who enjoys running or walking to join us in support of this fundraiser that will benefit the children of Pike County."

Residents who live on Murphree, College, Walnut, China, Cherry and Three Notch Streets and the businesses on the square will be able to get a closeup look as participants run the route.

Starting time is 8 a.m. and the last runners should cross the finish line about 9 a.m.

That means for an hour the affected streets will be dotted with winged feet and motorists are encouraged to help make the run as safe as possible by being extra cautious during the run.

"The Troy Police will be escorting the runners and we are taking every precaution to make this a fun and safe run," Green said. "We are requesting that everyone exercise caution when using the streets used by the runners. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please support our runners and walkers and show your support. And it would be great if residents along the way would get out and cheer the runners on."