Pike Commission makes
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 11, 1999
plans for Y2K
News Editor
Published Aug. 11, 1999
The Pike County Commission is concerned about whether the county’s computer systems are Year 2000 compatible, and has decided to look into having a professional evaluate their system.
"Everytime someone walks in the front door or the back door they say we are not compliant," said Commissioner Larry Meeks, District 2.
Commissioner Willie C. Thomas, District 1, agreed with Meeks in that they need a professional to evaluate the system and to get ready.
"We need some one to come in and evaluate and individually test the computers," said Thomas. "They need to be exempt from bidding so they will not try to sell us on equipment.
"We need to take precautions to prepare us for the future."
The commissioners agreed to have County Administrator Steve Hicks consult the State Department of Revenue to find someone to evaluate the county’s computers.
To come into compliance with Y2K, the county is upgrading computer systems in the Repraisal Office and the Probate Office to be Y2K compatible. Also a new server will be purchased for the Solid Waste Department and a high-speed printer for the County Commission office.
In other business, the Pike County Commission …
· Approved a resolution for paving and resurfacing eight roads in the county. These roads will be resurfaced or paved with federal aid money in which the county qualified. County Roads 28, 7, 37, 21, 61, 26, 30 and 77 were each evaluated and approved for federal aid.
Voted to reopen bids for an ambulance service for Pike County. The commission voted to let bids on the ambulance service and to include in the bids ambulance service for sports events.
Roll over the current guard service at the Pike County Courthouse.
Approved the classifiecation of an employee in the Probate Office, prior to which had been on probation.
Approved a re-hire for Henry Wentland in the Sheriffs Department with no probatioary period.
Discussed placement of the Early Warning System sirens. Commission Chairman Larry Penn said the city of troy came up with a real good system. Penn said the larger siren system the city of Troy voted on is self protected. He encouraged the commissioners to "go in that direction." The commission also discussed where the activators for the sirens should be. Penn said Brundidge would have their activator at the Brundidge Police Department, and the towns of Goshen and Banks should look to Troy and Brunddige Police departments for their activators. He said thsi option would save money.
Approved the purchase of nine radios for the Pike County Road Department for $4,146 and a monthly payment of $383. the radios include phones and pager service, and will have better coveragge area out in the county. The radios will be purchased from Southern Link.
Approved an Intergovernmental Purchase Agreement. The agreement will allow city and county governements to work together when purchasing labor, services, equipment, supplies or property. The city of Troy recently approved the Intergovermental Purchase Agreement.
Suspended the rules to approve an authorization for a request for an audit of the Pike County Fire Fighters Association. Meeks made a motion for the suspension of rules and the authorizaion for the audit. Meeks made the request when the Pike County Fire Fighters Association was on the commission’s agenda asking for additional funds. Penn said the request would be made once the commission received written authorization from County Attorney Allen Jones.
Approved Solid Waste adjustments
Approved claims
the following items were forwarded until the next meeting: Naming of roads
Proposed regulation – Licensing of residential homebuilders
Restaurant retail liquor license transfer request by Edwin E. Dick
Retail beer off-premises license request by Tonya Lynn McClelland
Custodian job description
Josie and Ebenezer voting locations
In closing comments Commissioner Karen Berry offered the commission’s condolenses to the Bealsey and Grayson families for their losses last week, and prayers to the family of Daniel Jackson.
Penn invited the public to the Pike County Commission meetings. The next meeting will be held Monday, August 23 at the Pike County Courthouse. The work session will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the regular meeting will follow at 7 p.m.