M.O.M.s met at The Pines to share common experiences and offer insights and advice as mothers of multiples. In attendance were Dianna Lee, Mae Hand, Angie Wismer, Ann Canant, Cheryl Snyder, Connie Hil

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 5, 1999

M.O.M.s have

common bond


Features Editor

Published Aug. 5, 1999

"There is light at the end of the tunnel" and that was encouraging news for the M.O.M.s who shared lunch together at The Pines Wednesday.

The first meeting of Pike County Mothers of Multiples (M.O.M.s) lingered for almost two hours as the seven mothers of multiples participated in a show-and-tell session that was enlightening and encouraging.

"We are a group who have something very unique in common," said Dianna Lee, who is the mother of triplets. "It was good to be with others who are experiencing, or have experienced, the same challenges as me."

Mrs. Lee said several moms of multiples had mentioned it would be fun and beneficial to get together for lunch and share stories, common experiences and offer insights and advice.

"I thought it was a good idea and started thinking about mothers of multiples that I knew and there were more than 30," Mrs. Lee said. "I contacted them and also put information about the meeting in the newspaper and on the radio."

Seven mothers of multiples attended the July 28 meeting and Mrs. Lee said she was pleased with the turnout.

"Time is a commodity when you are the mother of a multiples," she said, laughing. "M.O.M.s is not a formal group with officers and monthly meetings. We just plan to get together several times a year and talk. While one reminisces, the others can learn."

The first group gathering was a good mix, with two mothers of twin girls, two of twin boys, one mother of boy and girl twins and another who is expecting twins. Mrs. Lee was the only mother of triplets in attendance and, therefore, the one with the most challenges.

"Mothers of multiples do have more challenges because what you have to do for one, you have to do for two or more," Mrs. Lee said. "Multiple the challenges you have with one baby or one teenager and multiply them and those are the challenges we face."

Although multiple births come as part of a group, each baby is unique.

"They reach milestones at different times and that is why development was the main topic of our discussions," Mrs. Lee said. "We all asked questions and got feedback from those who have ‘been there, done that.’ It was comforting and encouraging to know that we are on the right track."

Mrs. Lee said the next meeting of M.O.M.s will be held in December and hopefully more moms of multiples will be able to join attend.

Information about M.O.M.s will be provided to Edge Regional Medical Center so that new moms of multiples will know about this opportunity to meet with this group of moms who have something very special in common.