Troy City Schools recognizes board members

Published 5:31 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Troy City Schools recognized its board members during the January meeting. January is recognized statewide as School Board Member Recognition Month and local school board members are recognized for their contributions to the community’s school system. 

The members of the Troy City Schools Board of Education are: Dr. Johnathan Cellon, president; Jacquelyn Patterson, vice-president; Zach Spann; Maxine Hollis and James Sparrow. Troy City Schools Superintendent Cynthia Thomas said board members give the community a voice in the development of the city’s school system. 

“Members of the Troy City Schools Board of Education are responsible for making decisions aimed at ensuring that every child in their district has a chance to be successful both in school and in life,” Thomas said. “To do that, members keep up with changing education laws and policies, and spend hours on professional learning and state-mandated training.

“School board members give the Troy City citizens a voice in education decision making. Even though we make a special effort to show our appreciation in January, their contribution is a year-round commitment.” 

Thomas said the key work of school boards is to raise student achievement by:

  • Creating a vision for what the community wants the school system to be and for making student achievement the top priority;
  • Establishing standards for what students will be expected to learn and be able to do;
  • Ensuring progress is measured to be sure the system goals are achieved and students are learning at expected level;
  • Being accountable for their decisions and actions by continually tracking and reporting results;
  • Aligning the system’s resources – human and financial – around its improvement goals;
  • Creating a safe, orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach;
  • Forming partnerships with others in the community to solve common problems; and
  • Focusing attention on the need for continuous improvement by questioning, refining, and revising issues related to student achievement.

After recognizing the system’s board members, the board conducted its January meeting.