‘Stories of Unforgettable Souls’ a highlight of Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival

Published 7:58 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2025

For the 18th year, Appalachian storyteller Donald Davis will be featured at the Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival on Friday and Saturday, January 24 and 25.

Not only will Donald Davis keep his audience hooting with laughter, in turn, they will be wiping away salty tears. The highly-acclaimed storyteller will also have available copies of his latest book, “How They Linger – Stories of Unforgettable Souls.” And, it’s vintage Donald Davis on every page said Storyteller Kevin Kling, who will share the storytelling stage with Davis and Appalachian teller Kim Weitkamp.

“The wonderful Celtic scholar, John O’Donahue, once said, ‘Beauty is a homecoming,’” Kling said. “Donald Davis is a homecoming and there is nothing, I mean nothing, like witnessing Donald Davis tell a story.”

The Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival will open to a sold-out audience on Friday night, January 24, at the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge.

On Saturday, January 25, there will be three storytelling concerts (10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.) at the Trojan Center Theater on the campus of Troy University.

Ticket prices are $10 (morning) $15 (afternoon) $10 (night) or $30 for all day Saturday concerts.

Tickets are available at The Messenger in Troy and Pike Pharmacy in Brundidge.