Donald Davis brings out the best in us
Published 7:59 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Some years back, I walked out into the warm, morning sun and happened to see Agnes sweeping the sidewalk.
I walked over to her and saw that she was crying.
“What’s wrong?” I asked fully expecting to hear of some heartbreaking happening in her life.
Instead, she said with tears streaming down her wrinkled face, “Don’t nobody appreciate Agnes.”
I often think of Agnes and that summer morning when her heart was broken.
That memory of her stands clear in my mind.
How often do we often feel, even on a bright, sunny morning, that “don’t nobody appreciate Agnes?”
In reading Donald Davis’ book “How They Linger: Stories of Unforgettable Souls,” I thought about that wonderful, sweet lady, who on that bright summer day, felt so unappreciated that her heart was broken and she just couldn’t hold back the tears.
Being appreciated is blessing, and, to a one of us, we sometimes feel unappreciated, maybe even to tears.
But Donald Davis brought to light that, each of us, no matter our station in life, is appreciated by someone, somewhere, sometime for a kindness shown … if only to give a zillion cats a place to call home.
Thanks, Donald Davis for reminding us that somebody, somewhere does appreciate Agnes.