Giving thanks at Southeastern Mvskoke Nation

Published 5:09 pm Tuesday, November 26, 2024

In April, the people of Southeastern Mvskoke Nation placed four empty baskets beside the arbors in their ceremonial circle and asked Creator to bless them with a fruitful year.  In the second week of December, they will return those baskets to the circle and they will be filled with things that they have grown in their yards and gardens.  The baskets of plenty show that Creator has taken good care of the people, and so they give thanks.

This desire to look upward and give thanks is almost universal in human societies.  Indigenous people are thankful people.  They have suffered much but through it all they have held on to their cultural values which emphasize community, harmony, wholeness and gratitude.  At Southeastern Mvskoke Nation these values will be remembered in songs, dances, stories, and prayers.

They will sing and dance together and remember that they are not alone.  They will hear stories that remind them of the way of their ancestors.  The baskets of plants will remind them that Creator works through the natural world to care for us and to teach us how to live together in harmony and peace.  And they will pray together to give thanks for all good things that constantly demonstrate Creator’s love for his people.

This is the prayer that they will offer to express their gratitude for Creator’s provision.  It is comprehensive in its listing of things that support their way of being in the world.  It is not exactly what you might hear around the family thanksgiving table or at church on Sunday, but it comes from the same place that lives in each grateful heart.  It is a call and response prayer that preserves the structure and cadence of the Mvskoke language.  The response is repeated after each stanza.

Michelle Gilmore

Chief, Southeastern Mvskoke Nation                         

Dr. Robert Pullen

Maker of Medicine

Great Thanksgiving

Thanks for all, let us give

Response: And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

One Above, all creator

Mother Earth, all keeper

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.


Upper World, all patterning

Other World, all dissolving

Middle World, all balancing

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

Sky, rain his house

Sun, daylight his house

Moon, nightlight her house

Stars, ancestors their house

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

Earth, food you give us

Water, drink you give us

Fire, power you give us

Wind, spirit you give us

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

Animals, meat you give us

Plants, medicine you give us

Birds, song you give us

Insects, pollination you give us

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

Light Makers, teaching you give us

Elders, wisdom you give us

Grandchildren, caution you give us

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

Dance of duality in all things

Wholeness of all things

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

If we have forgotten any thing

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.

We Are Thankful for all things

Our hearts, yours and mine, they are one.

Response:  And now our hearts are one as we give thanks.