Thinking back in time

Published 6:00 pm Thursday, September 19, 2024

Every now and then, something comes across a reporter’s desk that is worth sharing.

“Thinking Back in Time” stories by Charles E. LeCroy is wroth sharing. However, newspaper coverage is limited, …but I knew many names, faces and places in the stories that Charles LeCroy shared

He wrote about Dickert Lumber Company, about life during the Great Depression, about the City of Brundidge from 1935 to the end of WWII. He wrote about Shiloh School and the penny pencil, about livestock, the rolling store and moonshine.

Who remembers the cooling board and about the wonder of a gully or when scrap metal was needed. Charles wrote about the monkey and the coconut and many other things.

He closed his memory book with a poem that is worth sharing in part, titled “If I Had My Life to Live Over”

“If I had my life to live over, I would travel lighter, much longer; I would go barefoot more often and ride more merry-go-rounds and I would walk down more back alleys; I would pick more flowers, both wild and posted …..”

That line rang true this morning as I walked to my grandmother’s house to admire the orange spider lilies that are ringing the old-aged pecan tree. My grandmother planted those spider lilies there. She died in 1964. What a wonderful way to be greeted by her in the early morning time.

Thanks for sharing your memories, Charles, and for keeping them alive for generations yet to come.