CarePortal is the starting place for caring for kids

Published 5:55 pm Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Brundidge Rotary Club welcomed Tim Crist, Director of Church Engagement, from Lifeline Children’s Services and Sherry Starling, adoption specialist, with the Lifeline Child Organization to its Wednesday meeting.

Crist spoke to the Rotarians about CarePortal, what it is and how the Rotarians can be a part of this opportunity to connect with the needs of vulnerable children in Brundidge, the surrounding areas and across the country,

Crist explained that CarePortal is an app that connects people and communities to a list of the urgent needs of vulnerable children within a specific area.

“The needs are many and varied and CarePortal is helping to meet those needs,” Crist said. He added that too many needs of vulnerable children are unknown and, therefore, unresolved.

These needs are being brought into light and the response is tremendous. Individuals, families, clubs, organizations, communities, from Little League  teams to the Big Leagues.

However, Crist said, many individuals, families, churches and organizations stand ready to meet the needs of vulnerable children but don’t know how or where to begin.

CarePortal stands ready to serve children in all kinds of crisis situations and caring people are responding and in amazing ways.

Caring people from all walks of life are all-in for vulnerable children and CarePortal is the starting place for caring and doing, Crist said.