Regeina Lecroy shares amazing journey with Brundidge Rotarians

Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Christmas season is just around the corner, but, for some, Christmas is not a jolly time of year.

That is the message Regeina Lecroy, shared with the Brundidge Rotary Club at its Thursday meeting at the historic Bass House in downtown Brundidge.

Lecroy is a Church Relations Team Member, Southside Baptist Church, and a Logistics Team Member for Pike County.

She shared the message of the story of Operation Christmas Child with the Rotarians and also shared with them the ways their donations can and will make a difference in the life of a child.

“The amazing journey of a Shoebox gift begins with each of us,” Lecroy shared with the Rotarians.

For those who participate in Operation Christmas Child, the Christmas boxes will be packed with fun gifts and much needed items.

Lecroy said each person who participates in Operation Christmas Child will make Christmas 2024 a happy and blessed holiday and each one who gives a “shoebox” gift to a child will be blessed in turn.

Lecroy recommended Shoebox items for boys and girls ages 2 to 14 are age appropriate and are received happily and thankfully.

National Collection Week is November 18-25. Time and place is TBA.

For more information, contact Regeina Lecroy at 334-566-0888 or via email