New Troy University podcast focuses on faculty research

Published 11:29 am Monday, August 5, 2024

By Savanah Weed

A new podcast highlighting research from Troy University faculty,, Trojans Talk Research hosted by The Voice of the Trojans Barry McKnight officially launched on July 22.

The Trojans Talk Research podcast originated from Trojans Talk Research, a monthly lecture that was started in December 2022 by the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Born out of a desire to help both the community and other TROY faculty members connect with research efforts at the University, the Trojans Talk Research lectures highlight research projects from all five colleges.

“At a collaboTROY meeting, one of our faculty members was talking about how he didn’t know what other faculty members were researching, so people don’t really know who they can partner with or what they can do,” said Leigh Ann Paramore, Director of Sponsored Programs. “It was just a good opportunity for the TROY story to be told.”

Over the last nearly two years, lectures were given on dark matter and black holes, recycling single-use plastics, gambling in high schools, organizational practices, blood flow restricted exercise, violence in the workplace, micro RNA and more.

“This is part of the push into becoming an R2 research institution,” she said. “We wanted our faculty to tell their story and maybe it would interest somebody else. It’s amazing when you see what some of our faculty do.”

During a discussion with Senior Director of Communications Matt Clower on how to more widely publicize the video recordings of the Trojans Talk Research lectures, the idea of a podcast was broached.

“It was a way to be a little more informal and let the faculty talk more about their personal side and how it all kind of works together,” Paramore said. “Everyone wants the opportunity to talk about their research. It’s one thing to publish, but we need to publicize their work on our end.”

The first episode launched on July 22 featuring Dr. Jacqueline Jones, Chair of the Biology Department, associate professor and cancer researcher. Last summer, Jones was awarded a $95K grant from the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation to conduct research on the factors that drive advanced stages of prostate cancer.

Upcoming episodes will feature Dr. Alvin Diamond, Director of the arboretum and biology professor, Dr. Diane Orlofsky, Professor Emerita of music and music education, Coordinator of the music education graduate program and producer of the InChoir podcast, and more.

“Two things have struck me about working with these researchers to this point in the project: firstly, the passion they exhibit for their work and commitment to finding truth,” said host Barry McKnight. “Secondly, the level of media-savviness that they invariably have shown. I know several of our interviewees have podcasts of their own, and each of them sees the value of media exposure to their research and are remarkably articulate in presenting their research to a broader audience. All I hope to be is a conduit for them, because their stories are compelling.

“My hope is that our listeners will learn something about the wonderful work being done at TROY and that I can help put voices and personalities to the fascinating people who are making such critical contributions to the world around us.”

Episodes launch monthly and are available on Podbean and most podcast platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.