Balloon Launch 2015 today at TRMC

Published 2:00 am Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Pike Medical Foundation, in conjunction with the Troy Rotary Club, is holding the 2015 Balloon Launch at 3 p.m. today. The Balloon Launch is held to raise money for Troy Regional Medical Center.

Last year, the Balloon Launch raised approximately $25,000. TRMC was able to renovate the admission and waiting area of the emergency department.

Karen Herring, marketing and medical staff services with TRMC, said this year the goal is to raise $30,000 for the ER bays.

Herring said the group hopes hoping to install glass walls into the ER bays to replace the curtains. The glass walls would provide more security and privacy as well as reduce the noise level in the bays.

The Pike Medical Foundation’s goal for the TRMC emergency room includes improving patient privacy, creating a quieter environment, increasing security for the patients, improving the flow of visitors, improving healthcare information with patients and families, increasing patient satisfaction, increasing staff morale and increasing security for the staff.

Adding the glass walls will be yet another step toward these goals.

Tickets to launch a balloon cost $100 each, with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting TRMC with the renovation of the emergency department.

The event begins at 3 p.m. today near the helipad at TRMC with free rides on a tethered hot air balloon. A bouncy house will also be available for children in attendance. Refreshments will also be available.

After the hot air balloon rides, the balloons will be launched at 5 p.m. After the balloons are launched, the waiting game begins to see which balloon will travel the furthest.

When the balloons are found, the one who found a balloon can call the number attached to the balloon. All found balloons will be recorded, and the person who found the balloon that traveled the furthest will win $100, while the person who purchased that balloon will win $1000.