Troy will upgrade water system

Published 11:07 pm Friday, April 25, 2014

Troy City Council approved $3.66 million in upgrades to the city’s water system.
Funding for the project comes from a Clean Water State Revolving loan. Troy was pre-approved for the loan.
“This will bee the largest project we’ve done to the water infrastructure,” said Troy Mayor Jason Reeves.
Mike Davis, Water & Sewer Superintendent of Troy Utilities shared the list of projects with the City Council during a work session before the council’s last meeting.
“We’ve done a lot on the sewer side – we’ve been blessed to get a lot of grants – but not a lot on the water system,” Davis said. “This will be very beneficial.”
Many of the projects add or replace water lines. A 6-inch water main pipe will be laid along U.S. Highway 231 north of State Highway 29. The area currently has a 10-inch pipe and, at one time had both. The project comes with a $177,000 price tag.
Another project will involve replacing a waterline under the Conecuh River and water lines under several roadways will be upgraded. The plan is to replace all of the lead joint pipes.
“The best way to identify a street that has lead joint pipes is the patches on it,” said Davis.
Roads included in the project are Orion Street for $551,593; Braswell Street and Trojan Way for $186,263; Terrace Trail for $38,489; Fairview Street for $134,772; and North Three Notch Street for $436,515.
“We don’t have sufficient water in Terrace Trail. That’s going to give that area adequate fire protection,” Davis said.
The project Davis is most excited about is the one at North Three Notch Street, where the asphalt and the sidewalks are in disrepair.
“In that project, we’re going to put it under the sidewalk and replace that sidewalk. We could’ve possibly put it next to the road, but we’d rather replace the sidewalk,” he said.
A Hunting Camp line will have to be lowered nearly 900 feet. It currently sits above ground.
“That’s and exposed to elements and log trucks,” Davis said.
The project will cost $107,635.
Several water valves will be replaced, which will allow water mains downtown to be shut off should one of them breaks.
“Right now, for instance, if we have a water main break on the Square, there’s no way to turn it off,” Davis said.
The largest portion of the budget will go towards upgrading meters. More than 5,700 meters need to be replaced with the new electronic ones. The meters range in price from $250 to $300 and total $1.6 million.
The funding is expected by the end of the year and the projects are set to begin in early 2015.