Cattlemen looking for new members

Published 11:00 pm Friday, November 29, 2013

The Pike County Cattlemen’s Association kicked off its annual membership drive this month and expectations are to top its membership role of 400 in 2013.

“We are keeping our annual dues at $30 and we want to encourage members to pay their dues early and prospective members to join us,” said Ed Whatley, Pike County Cattlemen’s executive director. “The Pike County Cattlemen’s Association is the fourth largest in the state and we are the only Cattlemen’s Association that has its own complex. We take great pride in Cattleman Park and the many opportunities that it offers the people in our area.”

The annual Pike County Cattlemen’s Association Annual Professional Cowboy Association Rodeo is held at Cattleman Park along with other rodeo events. The Park facility is available for rent and houses a variety of entertainment events as well as fund raising and private events.

“The Pike County Cattlemen’s Association is not just for cattlemen. It’s for anyone who owns property,” Whatley said. “We keep up to date on issues that involve private property rights as well as issues involving the cattle industry. So anyone who owns property would benefit from membership as well as from the fellowship.”

Whatley said that, in addition to sponsorship of the annual PCA Rodeo, the Cattlemen lend support to other rodeo and cattle functions at Cattleman Park.

“We also sponsor the annual Equipment Auction which is good fund raiser for us and a good opportunity for people in the area to put their equipment up for sale at a big auction,” he said. “In the past, the Cattlemen have helped the Pike County Cattlewomen with their annual scholarship program. In 2014, the Cattlemen are going to initiate a scholarship program of our own. The only requirement for application for the scholarships will be that their parents or grandparents are members of the Pike County Cattlemen’s Association. That’s another benefit of membership.”

Whatley said the annual membership meeting is always a festive affair with a steak dinner and the Cattlewomen’s silent auction, which raises funds for their scholarship program.

“If you’re a cattleman or property owner or just love beef, then you qualify for membership in the Pike County Cattlemen’s Association,” Whatley said.

Dues many be mailed to Pike County Cattlemen, P.O. Box 1308, Troy, AL 36081.