PCC approves payroll changes

Published 10:55 pm Monday, May 14, 2012

The Pike County Commission on Monday approved payroll changes that will provide a net savings to the county.

Administrative Assistant Dorothy Mallory will retire effective on June 1. She will step down from her full-time position but remain with the county as a part-time employee. Some of her duties will be absorbed by Commission Office Coordinator McKenzie Wilson, whose title becomes Personnel/Safety Director.

“The net difference is that we have the same number of employees with one of them going part-time,” Pike County Administrator Harry Sanders said. “The savings from her going part-time will be around $34,000 annually with about $7,500 in (benefits) premium savings for a total of about $42,000. There will only be an increase of about $8,175 with the coordinator getting a salary increase.”

In addition to the payroll changes, commissioners voted unanimously to reclassify a local road and renew the county’s contract with Advanced Disposal.

County Road 3310, which intersects with Highway 231, will now be designated a major collector road as opposed to simply a local road, making it eligible for federal funding.

Advanced Disposal, the current garbage collection contractor, renewed its contract with the county for another three years.

Finally, the commission granted an alcohol license to the Stop and Go on Highway 130 allowing the sale of beer.

The commission voted unanimously to cancel its next meeting scheduled for May 28 due to the Memorial Day holiday. It meets again June 11.