Ribbons and rides
Published 11:00 pm Monday, October 10, 2011
Pike County fair opens today
The Pike County Fair opens tonight with a brand new midway that is sure to provide all of the fun and excitement that people have come to expect from a county fair.
Homer Homann, president of the sponsoring Troy Shrine Club, said Mega Midway, one of the top fair promoters in the country, rolled into town Monday with 25 midway rides.
“That’s more rides than we’ve ever had before and we are excited to bring a midway of the high quality and size to Pike County,” Homann said. “Among those rides are four rides that are should have people lining up across the midway to get on.”
The Ring of Fire and the Himalaya are favorites of thrill seekers but the midway will also feature a mini-Himalaya that mom and dad can enjoy with the younger kids.
“The Hurricane and the Trabant are new to the midway and they are rides that you have to ride to describe,” Homann said. “The midway has a huge merry-go-round and Ferris wheel. So, we’ll have the traditional rides that are so popular and new rides to bring added fun and excitement to the 2011 Troy Shrine Club’s Pike County Fair.”
On the midway there are a variety of games to play with prizes to win and every kind of carnival food in addition to the Troy Shrine Club’s food court inside the exhibition hall.
“There will be everything from cotton candy, candied apples and elephant ears to hotdogs, popcorn and peanuts,” Homann said.
Broken Strings Bluegrass Band will kick off the weeklong lineup of entertainment at the Fairgrounds Pavilion tonight.
“Broken Strings is one of the most sought-after bluegrass bands in the area,” Homann said. “It is made up of six siblings and they all play and sing. They are a fantastic group and you don’t want to miss them.”
The Alcazar Shrine Band will be featured on Wednesday night, SheBANG! Cloggers and the Mystery House Band on Thursday, Johnny Barron and Waterfall on Friday and Perfection and Grace Band on Saturday.
The nightly entertainment will begin at 6 p.m. and end around 9 p.m.
Homann said there is the biggest and best display of local arts and crafts, cooking, canning and baking inside the fairgrounds’ exhibit hall in years.
The blue ribbons have been awarded in almost any category imaginable.
“The exhibit hall is full of jellies, jams, cake pies, paintings, produce, plants, woodwork. You name it and we’ve got it,” Homann said. “And, it’s all been handmade or homemade by our friends and neighbors. You just might be surprised to see how much talent we have right here in Pike County, Alabama.”
Homann said the cattle barn is full and the competition will be friendly but keen down in the fairgrounds’ barn.
“It’s going to be a week of fun at the fairgrounds and we invite everyone to come and come back again,” Homann said.