Bush Memorial celebrates 50 years with dedication

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 3, 2002

Features Editor

The 50th anniversary of any occasion is reason to celebrate and the members of Bush Memorial Baptist Church feel especially blessed on their 50th anniversary.

Not only will they be celebrating 50 years of growth in Christ, they will also dedicate their new worship center which was built "To the Glory of God."

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"We are 50 years and growing," said the Rev. Otis Derrah, pastor. "At Bush Memorial our mission is to minister to the needs of our community and to give God the glory in all that we do. This week will be a wonderful celebration of God’s love and the commitment of our members to His service."

The church was constituted Feb. 3, 1952 and now has about 400 members.

"The first service in our new sanctuary was last Sunday and we all feel so blessed to have this new worship center that will allow us to continue to grow," Derrah said. "We invite everyone to join us this week for any or all of the services we have planned. It’s going to be an exciting week and everyone is welcome."

The week’s celebration begins with Generation Y Night


A pizza supper is planned for 5:30- 6:30 with the "Celebrate Jesus Service" at 7 p.m. featuring Bo Weed and the Mount Gilead Praise Band.

"The focus of this night is the young people, but everyone will receive a blessing from the service," Derrah said. "In fact, we have had as many requests for tickets for the pizza supper from adults as from the youth."

Derrah said tickets are free for both the Wednesday and Friday night suppers, but those planning to attend are asked to request tickets to facilitate food preparation.

At 7 p.m. Thursday, Bush Memorial will celebrate its heritage with a pictorial history, including the worship center construction. Special music will be directed by Robert Bracewell.

Friday night will kick off with a barbecue supper from 5:30 until 6:30 followed at 7 p.m. by the TSU Gospel Choir and Dr. Jerry


The Florida Boys will be in concert at 7 p.m. Saturday and everyone is encouraged to come early.

"We expect standing room only for the Florida Boys," Derrah said. "They are a very popular gospel group and have a large following. A love offering will be taken to help with their expenses. "

On Sunday, Bush Memorial will celebrate homecoming and will also take this special time to dedicate the worship center.

Dr. Ellis Bush will be the guest minister with music directed by the Rev. Robert Bracewell. The service will begin at 10:30 and a fellowship dinner will follow the service.

"We invite everyone to join us for this special week in the history of Bush Memorial Baptist Church," Derrah said. "We are very blessed to have this wonderful and beautiful worship center. It was built to the glory of God. To Him be all the glory."