Subdivision regulations

Published 12:00 am Monday, January 22, 2001

eyed by Pike Commission


Staff Writer

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Jan. 22, 2001 10 PM

An issued that has plagued the Pike County Commission for weeks may soon be coming to a close.

Monday night, the commission set public hearings on proposed subdivision regulations. Those dates are Feb. 7 and 21 at 6 p.m.

Copies of the subdivision regulations can be viewed at the Commission office and the Pike County Road Department. It was also suggested a copy be placed at the Troy Public Library for review.

The issue of subdivision regulations came about when Greg Avant approached the commission on Nov. 30. Avant submitted a proposal regarding a subdivision with the streets being maintained by the developer. Then at the time of 80 percent sell off, the developer will either keep up the maintenance or turn it over to the Homeowners Association at the point of 80 percent sell off.

County engineer Herb Huner said the county’s current subdivision regulations do not allow for private streets and a request regarding that matter has been turned down in the past.

Avant said he has changed the original proposal to eliminate having ownership of the roadways ever given to the homeowners association.

Huner said the roadways, once constructed, will have to be done so to a certain standard and be inspected even if the commission amends the current regulations to allow for private roadways.

In other business, the county:

· Passed resolutions related to the county’s first 10 bridges.

· Gave Huner permission to send out for bids on a pickup truck.

· Were told part of County Road 25 will be closed beginning next week so a culvert can be repaired. The portion of the roadway affected will be at County Road 25 and County Road 5.

· Voted to not consider a mileage reimbursement increase at this time.

· Tabled a vote on the awarding of bids for the courthouse telephone/networking system until the bids can be reviewed.

· Voted to rename County Road 107 to Pink Faircloth Road, on a recommendation by Commissioner Ray Goodson.

· Approved travel to the Ad Valorem Education and Certification Program Feb. 12-16 and March 4-6, Revenue Commissioner Mid-Winter Conference Feb. 6-8, Alabama Probate Judge Association Training Seminar Feb. 6-9, Alabama Probate Judge Association Mid-Winter Conference Feb. 18-21 and AEMC Winter Conference Feb. 13-14.