Stories, songs and Santa make

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 12, 1999

library the merry place to be


Features Editor

There is no better way for a child to spend a night before Christmas than listening to Christmas stories, singing holiday songs and sitting on Santa’s knee.

And the experience is even better if it’s shared with mom and dad or grandma and grandpa.

That opportunity will come for 30 lucky children when the Troy Public Library hosts "Christmas Stories with Santa" from 7 until 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 14.

Teresa Colvin, children’s librarian, said during this busy time of year, parents often have to make time to share quality time with their children.

"Everyone is so busy but it’s so important for parents to spend special time with their children and ‘Christmas Stories with Santa’ is a special time," Colvin said. "All it takes is a phone call to the library to reserve a place on Santa’s guest list."

Regretfully, because space is limited, the number of children must be limited to 30, so the list will be filled on a first-come basis Colvin said.

"This is a fun event for children and a memorable one for both children and parents," Colvin said.

The time of the year sets the mood and the library creates the atmosphere.

"We encourage the children to come in their pajamas and sit on mama’s lap and enjoy the fun," Colvin said.

The fun will include stories read by Joyce Conrad and Dianne Flowers and music led by Joanne Wells and then the excitement will grow in anticipation of "you know who."

Colvin said she talked with Santa Claus and he will take time from his busy schedule to visit with the boys and girls at "Christmas Stories with Santa."

"Santa said this is such a special time and he wouldn’t want to miss it," Colvin said. "We hope parents will want to share this special time with their children, too."

To reserve a place on Santa’s guest list, call Teresa Colvin at 566-1314. Remember space is limited and reservations are taken on a first-come basis.