United Way nears

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 17, 1999

goal of $130,000


Features Editor

Nov. 16, 1999, 10 PM

As the Pike County United Way heads into its final phases of fundraising for the year 2000, the committee is optimistic that it will reach its lofty goal of $130,000.

"Pledges are continuing to come in and we are going to keep making contacts in anticipation of reaching our goal," said Doc Kirby, chairman of the local United Way committee. "We want to keep United Way in the forefront because of the good that it does in our community. Everyone, directly or indirectly, benefits from the services of United Way at some time."

In an effort to expand the areas of United Way service, the committee voted to add three agencies to its service area – the Colley Senior Complex, YMCA (Hi-Y) and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

Kirby said all three agencies are far reaching and provide services to a wide range of ages.

"We are proud to be able to expand our United Way services to include these agencies," Kirby said, "and we ask everyone to make sure their pledges are current so that we can keep the United Way working for all of us."

Ann Eissler, development and programs manager for the Montgomery Area Food Bank, was a guest at the committee’s November meeting to discuss the value of being a member of the food bank.

Through the leadership of the Community Council of the United Way and with the help of many other civic organizations and individuals, the Montgomery Area Food Bank opened on Nov. 5, 1986.

A food bank is a private non-profit organization that solicits and collects surplus food and grocery products from retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and the local community, Eissler said.

The food bank quality controls, preserves and warehouses these products and distributes them to non-profit agencies such as churches, homeless shelters and group homes for children and the aged for on-site feeding or distribution to the needy.

Eissler said. Collegdale Church of Christ in Troy and the Church of God in Brundidge are the two agencies in the county that are food bank agencies.

For every $1 that is donated to the food bank, the Montgomery Area Food Bank provides more than 15 pounds of nutritious food for distribution to the needy.

The average cost of a pound of food is $1.46 but, the food bank is able to acquire its "pantry stock" at about 12 cents a pound. Making it a good deal for the food bank and blessing for the needy, Eissler said.

"The food bank prevents waste by taking nutritious food that normally would be thrown away and providing it to the needy free of charge," Eissler said.

More than 270,000 needy people benefit from the food bank each year. Of those served, the majority are children and the elderly.

"Through the Pike County United Way, we would like to let eligible agencies know that the food bank is available to them," Eissler said. "Any agencies interested in providing this much needed service for those in need in Pike County may contact us through the Pike County United Way or by calling 334-263-3784.