Pioneer Day bound to

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 12, 1999

be major attraction


Scheer’s Lumberjacks might be center ring at Pioneer Day at Pike Pioneer Museum Saturday but they won’t be the only show in town.

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"We are excited about the Lumberjacks coming to the museum but we are also excited about all of the other activities we have planned," said Charlotte Gibson. "We will have living history demonstrations inside the museum and on the ground and every one of them is outstanding."

Inside the museum, Alice Thornton will be spinning cotton, the quilting ladies will be stitching and the butter churn will be dashing in the pioneer kitchen.

"As always when we have special events, the museum will be open for tours and that is included in the price of admission to Pioneer Day," Gibson said.

On the museum grounds, Boy Scout troop 41 and Girl Scout troop 74 will be in period costume and assisting museum volunteers with the living history demonstrations.

"The Scouts are very involved in museum activities and they add so much to the demonstrations and they are so much help," Gibson said. "It’s wonderful to see young people involved in bringing the past alive. They learn from us and we learn from them."

The Boy Scouts will assist Billy Henderson with grinding corn meal at the grist mill and they will also help out at the smokehouse where sausage will be smoked and sold in the museum gift shop.

Troop 41 will also fire-roast corn in the shuck and "there’s nothing better on a fall afternoon." The Scouts will also have their money bridge up and they invite anyone who will to cross their bridge.

The Girl Scouts will be assisting Alma Bodiford at the demonstration cabin. They will be involved in all of the "around the house" chores of pioneer days including sweeping the yards, pulling weeds, making corn shuck mops and making lye hominy in a cast iron pot. They will also have goodies for sampling and sale.

"The scouts are learning the skills necessary in pioneer days and they will be able to keep this skills alive for other generations to enjoy," Gibson said.

Charlotte Wood will be on the porch of the log cabin spinning wool with a drop spindle and on a wheel.

Deborah "Blue Bird" Sanders will set up an Indian encampment that demonstrates the traditional roles of the Indian women. Indian trader Ed Lundermann will be nearby with his trading items – jewelry and hunting knives.

Leonard Dast will be a blast from the past with his black powder rifle. He will demonstrate the loading of the gun and will also shoot it off from time to time. Rob Partridge will demonstrate the technique of starting a fire using flint and that is fascinating to watch," Gibson said.

Lessons will be conducted in the little red school house with school marm and master Mary Wadowick and Bob Gordon. Dr. Darryl Sercey will conduct informative talks along the museum’s nature trail.

The air will be filled with the music of Calvin Bodiford and his strolling strings and, in the afternoon the Charles Henderson High School Jazz Ensemble will present a concert at the amphitheater.

The CHHS Band Booster will serve barbecue plates for lunch and hotdogs, hamburgers and boiled peanuts will also be available.

"Pioneer Day is going to be a wonderful day and we want everyone to join us for the fun," Gibson said. "The Lumberjacks are sponsored by Husgvarna and Hendricks Homecenters and we appreciate their making it possible for us to have this nationally-known show here in Troy."

Admission for the day is $5 for adults and $1 for students, including college students with an ID.

"If you have to leave for a while, we will validate your admission so you can return later," Gibson said. "We want everyone to be able to spend this day with us and we are looking forward to having you at Pioneer Day Saturday."

10 p.m., Nov. 11, 1999