CONSTRUCTION: Ray Avenue remains closed from George Wallace Drive to Dozier Drive for the repairing and insertion of storm water drains

Published 3:00 am Thursday, July 23, 2015

Construction workers worked Wednesday despite the threat of rain to repair a storm water drain on Ray Avenue and place two new storm water drains in the section of Ray Avenue between Dozier and George Wallace Drives. The additional drains wil help alleviate runoff during storms and water flow issues anticpated with the constructionof a new apartment complex on Dozier Drive.   MESSENGER PHOTO/SCOTTIE BROWN

Construction workers worked Wednesday despite the threat of rain to repair a storm water drain on Ray Avenue and place two new storm water drains in the section of Ray Avenue between Dozier and George Wallace Drives. The additional drains will help alleviate runoff during storms and water flow issues anticipated with the construction of a new apartment complex on Dozier Drive.